On February 15, 1946, the Scanlon-Kelly VFW Post 5920 was formed, the organization was also the oldest VFW post in Brown County, Ohio. They bought the first Packard Ambulance for the Village of Fayetteville. Fayetteville Fire Company took over maintenance on the Packard Ambulance. Every member of the department that could drive it had a key to the ambulance. It was stored behind the Crone's Market in a barn. The reason it was in the barn was because the fire station could only hold the two fire engines in the small building. Later the addition to the fire station made an additional 4 bays. When that upgrade to the building happened the Fayetteville Fire Company bought a new ambulance and retired the Packard Ambulance.
(This information was credited by Joe Huber thanks from all at the Fayetteville Fire and EMS Inc.)